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The CampFire 

Presented by #LetsGrowTogether

CampFire is a one of a kind, hybrid mentorship that offers members a Safe Space to connect & learn with like-minded people!

Why Now?

We live in a special time where a person’s geographic location and socioeconomic status DO NOT have to limit their education, access, and opportunities. Equally as important, we live in a time where we CAN have access to Diverse people, cultures, and perspectives if we choose to. Our vision is to bring the two worlds together by creating a community of people who have a heart for Serving, Connecting, & Growing!

Highschool Children

What is Campfire?

It’s a Hybrid Mentorship program where we aim to Offer safe spaces for people to learn, connect, and grow

  • Connect Diverse Communities

  • Create a community of support & accountability

  • Offer advanced Education, Access, and Opportunities​


  • Financial Literacy

  • Mental Health/Empowerment Coaching

  • Wellness & Nutrition

  • Entrepreneur Training

  • Unique Experiences

What does CampFire include?

Interested in taking your life to a new level?

Thanks for submitting!

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